All Inductees

H. D. "Curley" Linehan

H.D. “Curley” Linehan was born in Lubbock, Texas, on July 8, 1939. He moved to Fort Worth, where he met Dan Taylor, Amye Gamblin, George Wilderspin, and Matlock Rose, who introduced him to horses. He left home in 1957 and began to rodeo. In 1958, he placed in the calf roping and was one of the youngest ever to win money at the Houston Livestock Show. He enjoyed all aspects of rodeo and clowned with George Doak at several shows and did a few on his own. His love for rodeoing and the contribution he received supported his wife, Barbara, and 3 children, Lloyd, Tammy, and Tracy. His rodeoing led to a more stable vocation.

He has trained and shown some outstanding roping horses. His talents were not limited to roping only; he has trained and shown reining and cutting horses as well. Curley has also been an approved American Quarter Horse Association and National Cutting Horse Association judge.

He was very fortunate that, while showing horses in the roping, reining, and cutting, he rodeoed all over the United States. Two of his favorite roping horses were Joe Glory and Dee Gee Vee. The Pan American Horse Association awarded Dee Gee Vee Horse of the Year and Curley Trainer of the Year.

Curley’s first love was and still is roping. Booth, Texas, is where he makes his home. He has left a legacy in horses for his children. He is still active in steer roping and sometimes teams with his youngest daughter Tracy, who is a member of the CPRA. His son, Lloyd, and grandson, Strap, also rope.