Ted Smalley, a member of the Professional Rodeo Cowboy Association, participated in three events, calf roping, steer wrestling and bareback riding. He was born December 10, 1930 in Alamosa, Colorado.
Marcia Minor Smalley was born December 6, 1937 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Marcia was a self-taught trick rider, contestant and rodeo queen. Tec and Marcia were married in 1958 and two years later established their home in Burkburnett, Texas where they lived until her death March 11, 2012 and Ted’s on May 18, 2014.
In 1948 at the age of 18, Ted joined the Rodeo Cowboy Association (now PRCA). He served as flag judge at the 1969 NFR in Oklahoma City. In 1972, he won the calf roping at the Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo. Ted served on the RCA Board of Directors and was a PRCA Gold Card holder. In his later years, he competed in team roping as a member of the Coors Team Roping Association and the United States Team Roping Association. At 83, Ted was still active, serving on the Rodeo Cowboy Alumni Association.
At the age of 19, Marcia joined the Rodeo Cowboy Association and in 1957 went to New York with the Gene Autry/Everett Colburn Rodeo Company participating in the Quadrill. She competed in the Women’s Pro Rode all-girl events. Barrel racing, goat tying and steer undecorating. She also worked as a professional rodeo secretary and timer. Marcia held tow Gold Cards, in the PRCA and in the WPRA. She was also a member of the Rodeo Cowboy Alumni Association.