Ralph W. Fisher embarked on his rodeo career as a clown, bullfighter, barrel man, and contract act participant while in college in 1963. Over his career, Fisher made a significant mark in the rodeo and wild-west show circuits across 17 states, with notable appearances in Mexico and Canada. During his peak years, he was a staple at 150 performances annually, gaining recognition for training and presenting various animal acts, particularly “The World’s Only Bullfighting Buzzards.”
Born on June 9, 1944, in Sugar Land, Texas, Fisher is an alumnus of Katy High School and Blinn Jr. College. He earned both his Bachelor of Science and Master of Education degrees from Sam Houston State University. Following his collegiate studies, Fisher spent seven years teaching in parochial and private schools around Houston, Texas, while concurrently pursuing his passion for rodeo. Even today, he clowns at the occasional “convention rodeo,” extending his exhilarating career to over 46 years.
Throughout his tenure, Fisher participated in rodeos affiliated with various associations, including the Texas Rodeo Association, Texas Youth Rodeo Association, North American Rodeo Commission, Rodeo Cowboys Association, National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association, International Rodeo Association, Louisiana Rodeo Association, Southwestern Rodeo Association (SRA), and National Little Britches Rodeo Association. He has been a part of notable events such as the National Little Britches Finals, North American Rodeo Commission Finals, Texas Rodeo Association Finals, and the Texas Prison Rodeo during its last thirteen years.
Fisher’s expertise in animal training spans a diverse range of species, including javelinas, domestic pigs, dogs, horses, mules, burros, coyotes, wolves, skunks, armadillos, buffalo, bulls, cows, Texas Longhorn and Brahman steers, buzzards, and even roadrunners. His work has been featured in numerous newspaper and magazine articles, movies, advertising campaigns, and special events. Known for his comedic acts involving animals, “dress acts,” and explosives, Fisher has achieved global recognition, highlighted by appearances at two Presidential Inaugurations, the G-8 Economic Summit, television shows like the Late Show with David Letterman and The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, and a three-year tour as an animal trainer with the rock band ZZ Top.
In 1998, Fisher’s renowned Brahman steer, Chance, was cloned at Texas A&M University, producing the clone Second Chance and sparking international interest as the first of its kind in Texas. Fisher attributes his success to the unwavering support and encouragement of his wife, Sandra, their children Todd, Kimberley, Brice, and Dusty, and his six grandchildren. His endeavors are further supported by his two businesses, Ralph Fisher’s Photo Animals and Buzzard Whisperer [501(c)3], through which he continues to present animal acts.
Fisher credits his achievements to the collective support of his devoted family, stock contractors, committees, clowns, fans, exceptional rodeo announcers, and, most importantly, the guiding hand of the Good Lord above.