Originally born in Montana, 1986 PRCA World Champion Saddle Bronc Rider, Bud Munroe spent the majority of his professional rodeo career as a Texan. While in college, Bud won the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association (NIRA) National Champion Saddle Bronc Riding title in 1975, and was second in the NIRA All-Around standings that same year.
Bud qualified for the National Finals Rodeo twelve consecutive years (1977-1988), with eight finishes in the top five. After moving to Texas, Bud won the PRCA Texas Circuit Championship four times: 1982, 1983, 1986, and 1987. Bud has had the honor of being inducted into the PRCA Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame, Montana Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame, Texas Cowboy Hall of Fame, Ellensburg Rodeo Hall of Fame, and the Montana State University Athletic Hall of Fame.
Over the years, he has served on different committees and boards within the PRCA. In 1990, he received the PRCA John Justin Standard of the West Committeeman of the Year award for his long standing service and dedication to the Heart of Texas Rodeo Committee. Bud and his wife, Jimmie, continue to call Valley Mills, Texas, home. They have one daughter, Tassie, who lives in Fort Worth.