Born in West, Texas in 1938. Willis had his first big win in the “wild riding in 1957 at Blooming Grove. From that start, he went into bull riding, picking up checks at several amateur rodeos.
In 1960, he won 11 consecutive rodeos in that event. In 1966, he joined the RCA and picked up checks at many of the big rodeos.
Billy rode racehorses for a number of years. In 1972, he came back to rodeo to team up with brother Dan as “The Willis Brothers rodeo clowns and bull fighters, working mor that 100 performances. The agile rodeo clwon and bullfighter got out of the barrel long enough to pick up checks at several bull riding, as well. Billy joins brother Dan, a 1997 inductee into the TRCHF. Billy gets his mail in Ross, Texas.