Berve Dawn Sorenson Taylor who lives in Doole, Texas has been involved in rodeo for 74 years and has been a member of the PRCA for 53 years (living in Texas).
Born in Idaho, the Gold Card Holder shared duties as pick-up “Man”, carried flags and ran out calves and steers for her Dad’s original Flying U Rodeo Company producing Cheyenne, Las Vegas and others. Berve was the All-Around Cowgirl in the Boston Rodeo. She was the original “Miss Blue Bell Wrangler” with the first pair of women’s wranglers made to her measurments.
She married Dan Taylor and moved to Texas in 1952. She served as the Vice President of the GRA, Contract Director of the GRA from 1961-1999. She was a secretary, timer, carried flags at RCA, PRCA, GRA and WPRA. In 65-66 she served as timer at the NFR. 1977 saw her secretary the Indian National Finals Rodeo. 1979 she timed the Texas Circuit Finals in Abilene and served as secretary for that event in 1983. In 1995 she was the secretary for the Texas Circuit Steer Roping Finals in Waco.
For 38 years she severed as secretary rodeos for Evertt Colborn, Harry knight, Neal Gay, Mack Altizer, Bradford Ivy and many, many more.